The Berserker Residents “Giant Squid”

This week has been a little bedlam, so I was pleasantly surprised when the Kickstarter campaign for “Giant Squid” popped up on my newsfeed giving me the perfect, quick outlet for this week’s giving.  (See, you can be charitable and still make it out the door in time!)  For those of you in the Philadelphia area, if you missed this show in the Fringe Festival lo these many years ago, you really missed out.  Luckily, they are remounting it in an even cooler arena and I’ll have a chance to see it again.  You don’t frequently get the chance to experience a theatrical production again once its closed, but there are definitely some that I’d jump at the chance to see again… like “Giant Squid.”   (*cough cough* Nicole Canuso’s Wandering Alice *cough cough*)

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